Vrydag 26 Julie 2019

Diamant Divas - Gedagtes / merkers: van stryd na oorwinning

Die naweek het ek die eks gesien. Dit het agterna allerhande goed weer los gemaak. Dinge wat ek reeds gedink het ek agter my rug gesit het. So het ek gedink. Wel, verrassing, dit was nie. Ek was Sondagoggend omtrent in ‘n toestand.
Artist unknown 
Ou sere, woede en gebrek het helder opgestaan soos ‘n hissende kobra met ‘n bakkop.
My skoonsus, Helen, sëen haar hart, moes iets agter gekom het Saterdag aand tydens die familie kuier. Want agterna kom sê sy, “Lynelle, ek is lief vir jou nes jy is. Jy het uit jou dop geklim. Jy is nou beter af as vroeër. Moet dit nooit vergeet nie.”
Ek weet nie van julle nie maar soms staan dinge werklik uit vir my, so asof iemand dit onder ‘n vergrootglas gesit het met ‘n spotlig daarop. Dit is sulke tye wat ek ongetwyfeld weet God met my praat deur sy spreekbuise. Of hulle daarvan bewus is is ek nie seker nie maar nietemin het ek geleer dat God of die Univers op baie maniere praat. Om toe dit net verder te onderstreep, met vetgedrukte letters kry ek ‘n woord, wat ek later gaan voorlees vanaf ‘n ander vriendin van my.
Maar voor ek by die Profetiese Woord kom; net die volgende paar gedagtes oor merkers.
Daar is merkers in ons lewens wat ons telkens terug vat na daardie oomblik in tyd en ons hier-en-nou steel. Daardie merkers is veroorsaak deur ‘n traumatiese gebeurtenis en word gewoonlik gekoppel met spesifieke woorde, ‘n lied, ‘n foto of kledingstuk. ‘n Persoon of plek. Tasbare bakens wat vashaak in ons geheue en net na vore kom wanneer daar ‘n spesifieke gebeurtenis plaasvind. Daardie merker bring dan al die negatiewe terug asof dit so pas gebeur het.
Met hierdie merkers moet gewerk word anders sal dit ons altyd jaag. Die enigste manier om dit te oorkom is om jou gedagtespatroon te verander. Om die leun te verander met ‘n waarheid. Om dit wat my skoonsus gesê het ter harte te neem. My eie te maak.
Indien daar ‘n bepaalde lied is wat jou trigger, verander die lied. Ek moes dit al ‘n paar maal doen. Of lees opbouende boeke, bly weg byvoorbeeld van romantiese boeke wat iets los maak in jou. Maw, verander die data. Vervang dit met positiewe gedagtes en hou aan totdat dit iets van die verlede is en vul dit met geestelike merkers.
Israel moes byvoorbeeld toutjies en klokkies aan hul kleed sit om hulself en hul kinders te herinner wie hulle uit Egipte gelei het. Die Leviete moes rotse op mekaar stappel binne die Jordaan as herdenking van hul groot stap in die Beloofde Land in. Jy doop jou kind as herinnering dat hy opgedra is aan God. Of jyself word gedoop as ‘n herinnering wat God op ‘n bepaalde dag gedoen het. Jou verloofde of man sit ‘n troupand aan jou vinger as teken dat julle aan mekaar verbind is.
Dit is als merkers, dit het ‘n wettige reg om daar te wees wat vir ewig daar staan of totdat jy dit verwyder.
Negatiewe merkers kan verdwyn as jy werklik wil ontslae raak daarvan. Dit is ‘n mind-over-matter ding wat net jy te weeg kan bring.
Hoe minder jy plek gee vir die negatiewe hoe meer sal die positiewe die oorhand vat. Plaasvervangende gedagtes is noodsaaklik om jouself op te bou. Dit dien as nuwe merkers wat die oue vervang.
Soos, toe ek eennag moes stop in absolute verlorenheid in ‘n straat in Silverton, en God baie duidelik met my gepraat het. Verby die drankwalms tot diep in my gees en dit was bevestig deur die predikant daardie Sondag. Die verlore seun het weer teruggekom.
Die gebeurtenisse hou my gefokus, vernaam wanneer ek dink ek verdien dit nie, of dat God nie ‘n plan vir my het nie. Leuens wat die nuwe merkers wil verwyder. Dit hou my gefokus en mismoedigheid wyk dan.
Of soos die dag, nie te lank terug nie wat ek verby ‘n bepaalde plek gery het in Pretoria, en dit val net in my gees. Jou plek van skaamte is verwyder. Dit bestaan nie meer nie. Net daarna is dit deur my verloofde bevestig sonder dat ek hom iets van my ervaring vertel het.
Daarom is hierdie woord so belangrik vir my, want dit het op die regte oomblik in my gees geval. ‘n Geestelike merker wat plek inneem van die oue. Net soos julle moet ek dit ter harte neem en dit my eie maak.

by Lana Vawser Ministries
The Lord showed me that there has been a horrific battle against the minds of many daughters of God in the body of Christ. There has been a specific assignment that has been sent against them to bring cloudiness, to bring a fog, to bring a lack of clarity of thinking and many have been thinking they are crazy or going to go crazy.
The pressure on the mind has been intense but in the battle, the Lord showed me that He is bringing forth a deep fortification of FAITH in Christ and His Word that cannot be shaken. There is a major battle against your minds, daughters of God, now is the time to stand and stand in the Word. You are not going crazy; you are moving into greater clarity and revelation of His truth and the strategies of His heart.

I heard two words thundering in the spirit "DIVINE RESOLVE".

1. Settle or find a solution to a problem or contentious matter
2. To decide firmly on a course of action

The Lord showed me that in this huge fight that many daughters of God have been in recently that the Spirit of God is building a DIVINE RESOLVE within them to not allow the enemy to torment or push them around anymore. There is a great awakening taking place in women right now that is roaring "I WILL NOT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!!"

Where the enemy has bullied so many daughters of God with fear, insecurity, shame, mental torment, and many other areas and for many daughters of God it feels like they continue to get 'steamrolled' by the enemy, but the Spirit of God is bringing to life that divine resolve, that mighty roar of victory within the daughters of God that says "NO MORE!!!!"

There is a MAJOR shift taking place amongst women in the body of Christ where they are stepping further into their authority in Christ and strongholds, shackles and chains are falling off once and for all as they take the Word of God and ROAR it over the enemy.

Where the enemy has attempted to "steamroll" so many daughters of God, the Lord showed me that in this MIGHTY BREAKTHROUGH that is taking place NOW, these daughters are going forth in the empowerment of the Spirit like never before, running in the triumph of Christ like never before (1 John 5:4) and tearing down the works of darkness. The enemy is so afraid of the daughters of God arising into their identity and authority that has been "pulling out all the stops" to stop them, but it is backfiring as the Lord is ADDING to the daughters of God in the midst of the battle.

The Spirit of God is fortifying the daughters of God in the fire and sending them forth in fresh commissioning to CARRY and release the fire of God wherever they go. They are being raised up with SWORDS IN THEIR MOUTH, with the Sword of the Word of God in their mouths to see the divine justice of God established in the earth.

The Lord also showed me that many of the daughters of God He is raising up and sending forth are going forth with an anointing to deal with the 'cutting down' and 'backbiting' that has been taking place in the body of Christ by releasing the Word of the Lord and the purity of His heart and love wherever He sends them.


There has been a spirit of insanity, a spirit of confusion and lethargy that has been coming against many of the daughters of God bringing incredible fear to hinder their vision, their clarity and their discernment and to isolate them and cause them to shrink back.

The Lord showed me that the reason the enemy has come against them so hard in this area is because there are deep encounters with Jesus and the Spirit of God upon them right now where they will be taken into the library of heaven to read the wisdom of God's heart. To sit with the Lord and receive a revelation of His Word that is going to see the Spirit of God release significant strategies of heaven that is going to bring GROUNDBREAKING ANSWERS in the earth.

I heard the Lord say, "I am raising up My daughters in this hour like never before with their mouths filled with My wisdom and they will go forth with divine answers of My heart and My Word that will PIONEER groundbreaking breakthroughs and pave pathways in the earth for the tidal wave of My Spirit to flow across the earth. For My Glory and power to be revealed and demonstrated in the earth, in ways, they have never seen before.

My daughters will be called upon like never before and go forth with the answers of My heart and My Word that will bring some of the greatest unlockings and breakthroughs in the body of Christ and the earth.

Jeremiah 33:3:
"Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known."

"God conceals the revelation of his word in the hiding place of his glory. But the honour of kings is revealed by how they thoroughly search out the deeper meaning of all that God says." (Proverbs 25:2 TPT)

"As wisdom increases, a great treasure is imparted, greater than many bars of refined gold. It is a more valuable commodity than gold and gemstones, for there is nothing you desire that could compare to her. Wisdom extends to you long life in one hand and wealth and promotion in the other. Out of her mouth flows righteousness, and her words release both law and mercy. (Proverbs 3:14-16 - TPT)

Daughters of God, the fight over your mind has been because of the MAJOR commissioning that is upon you right now. God is lifting and breaking the battle in the divine resolve that is being birthed in you by the Spirit of God. A fire is being put in you by the Spirit of God that will see you move out in triumph like never before, it will spill into ALL areas of your life. A divine reset of God is upon you and EVERYTHING will be changed. You are being restored. You are being healed. You are being increased. You are being upgraded. You are being strengthened. You are being fortified. You are being drawn deeper into the secret place with Jesus like NEVER before.

The battle has been raging because of this fresh commissioning to move in the empowerment of the Spirit like never before. Unshackled finally. Unchained. Restored. Free. Strong in Him in greater maturity and resolve of the Word of God and His faithfulness to see the enemy no longer pushing you around, but YOU are going forth in boldness to see the works of darkness TORN DOWN and ABOLISHED.


"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (John 14:27)

The Lord showed me many daughters of God that have been battling the giant of anxiety. Many have been battling it recently more intense than ever and others have been battling it for YEARS and YEARS.

I had a vision and I saw Jesus come alongside these daughters of God that were so tired of fighting this giant throwing the stones of the Word of God at it and I saw Jesus lean in close and whisper in their ear. "JUST ONE MORE SHOT" He helped lift their weary arm and as they went to throw the stone I saw what looked like a HUGE waterfall of water and fire come crashing down upon them and I KNEW it was the revelation of His love, the refreshing of His Spirit and the washing of the Word.

As they threw the final stone I saw their hearts BURSTING forth with new life, healing, and wholeness. Life came back to their eyes and faces and the stone hit the giant between the eyes and down he went, and a HUGE mantle of peace fell upon the daughters of God, the peace that is promised in Christ was manifesting in their lives in new and fresh ways.

Daughters of God, if you have been battling the 'giant' of anxiety, it's coming down in Jesus name. It's not bigger than Jesus, it just wants to look like it is. God has heard your cries; He has heard your prayers. Don't give up, throw the stone of faith again, because the tipping point of your healing, deliverance and breakthrough is UPON YOU.

There is a mighty move of the Spirit of God upon you right now. Do not give up, stand strong. God is moving powerfully and what the Spirit of God is doing in women in the body of Christ now will leave them NEVER the same. This battle of the mind has almost taken many of you out, but you are actually being positioned and commissioned to go out empowered like never before, to go further, than you've been, to do what you never thought you would do, to know, experience and see His power move upon you, in you and through you in unprecedented ways.

Warrior Women, the divine resolve is increasing within you and you will RUN like you have never run before. This is your moment to arise. It won't be this way again, it's a brand new day.

Ongeag waardeur ons is, ons verdien ‘n nuwe begin. Ek was bevoorreg om in die week heelwat skrywes te sien van hartseer, pyn, hoekoms in dig en storie vorm. Daar is mense wat heelwat traumatiese gebeure beleef het as kind, as behoeftige, as bejaarde, of as verslaafde. Maak nie saak waar jy staan in die lewe nie, jou pad tot hier defineer nie wie jy is nie. God defineer dit, en jy leef dit. 
Ons kan daardie seer agterlaat, en in ‘n nuwe begin opstaan. 
Ons word gedefineer deur ons keuses en ek maak saam met julle ‘n duidelike besluit dat dit my nuwe dag is. Van vandag af dink en anders, praat ek anders en tree ek op as oorwinnaar. Ons trails defineer ons nie, dit maak ons net sterker. Dit gee ons die hupstoot om vorentoe te beweeg en weer ‘n nuwe blad te lees.
Ja, ons is nog behoeftig maar nie armlastig nie. Daar is te korte maar ons is nie arm nie. Jy word mishandel maar jy kan wegstap. Jy kan daardie keuse maak om te sê ek stop dit hier en nou. Nie langer is jy ‘n slaansak nie. Nie langer sal jy toelaat dat jy verkul word nie. Ons trek die streep hier.
Ek verander my gedagtes, en stap hierdie nuwe dag in.
Om meer van geestelike merkers te leer het ek ‘n skakel geplaas by die blog asook twee skakels om Lana Vawser se bediening te volg.

Op ‘n ligter noot het ek dit goed gedink om ‘n skakel by te sit van geurige Suid Afrikaanse geregte. Ek is seker julle diamante sal iets daarmee kan maak.
Van Bobotie, Bunny Chow, visgeregte, maalvleis en hoender is daar heerlike resepte om van te kies.
500g minced meat                           1 thick slice of bread
250ml milk                                       1 onion(chopped)
37.5ml lemon juice                          10ml oil
10ml curry powder                           5ml salt
5ml sugar                                         Pinch of pepper
2 eggs                                              12.5ml apricot jam/jelly or chutney

o    Soak the bread in the milk
o    Brown the onion in the oil in a pan
o    Add the meat
o    Mix the lemon juice, sugar, salt, pepper, and curry powder together
o    Add the mixture to the meat
o    Add the bread and 150ml of the milk to the meat and press with a fork to make a fine mixture
o    Add one egg and the jam/jelly/chutney
o    Pour into an oven dish
o    Bake for 10 minutes at 180’C
o    Whisk the remaining egg and milk together
o    Take out the dish from the oven and pour the egg mixture on top
o    Bake for another 30 minutes or until firm
o    Garnish with lemon leaves, if desired
o    Serve with (yellow) rice and enjoy!

Vir die soettand onder ons is daar koek in ‘n koppie resep asook ‘n heerlike middernag drankie, ideal vir die winteraande.
Lekker eet, en onthou,skitter net waar jy geplant is.
Tot ‘n volgende week, mooi loop.


Die Stasie Vir Passievolle Mense

Lynelle Clark: Diamant Divas Potgooie / Diamant Divas F groep

Die program vir die enkellopende waarin ons saam gesels oor al die slagysters, vrae, vrese en vreugdes van die enkel lopende.
WOENSDAG at 10h00 SA Time
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Donderdag 25 Julie 2019

Huismoles: Deel 2 - Die huis in Terrace straat deur Lynelle Clark

Deel 2

“Hi jy, het jy die vorm gekry?” hoor sy Rietjie, en sy draai haar kop, diep denkend, nie seker wat om te dink van die snaakse gebeure nie, en antwoord. “Ja,” en swaai die vel papier voor haar kollega se neus. “Goed, ek vul net gou die vormpie in. Wat dink jy?”
“Iets broei hier?” antwoord Smittie.
“Ek bedoel van die prys, dink jy die prys is reg? Ek dink dit is te veel.”
“Jip, dink ook so. Wat van R1 750 000, die huis het aandag nodig,” gee Smittie haar opinie.
“Klink reg vir my, het jy daai badkamer gesien. Dit is skrikwekkend en stink.”
“Verseker so. Wonder wat gaan aan met Annelien.”
“Ek hoor sy het geskei onlangs. Was maar ‘n lelike storie,” Lig Rietjie haar in en Smittie knik weereens haar kop. Wie is die man, wonder sy? En hoekom was dit so ooglopend dat Annelien vir hom bang was?
Dit is net twee van die talle vrae wat in haar kop maal.
“Kom, ons moet ry, daar is nog 4 ander plekke wat ons moet sien voor 12:00.”
“Reg, weg is ons,” beaam Smittie, ingedagte verlaat albei die huis. Die tuin is duidelik droog en onversorgd. Oral in die tuin is daar tekens van verwaarlosing. In die hoek van die tuin, onder ‘n groot boom wat lang skadus gooi, staan ‘n hondehok. Eintlik heel uit sy plek. Maar daar is geen teken van ‘n hond nie. Gewoonlik word honde toegesluit tydens ope ure maar oral is die hekke wat na agter lei oop. Iets is hier aan die gang, maar wat? Wonder Smittie weer maar volg Rietjie uit by die gemotoriseerde hek.
Skielik kriewel dit iets vreeslik in haar nek. Dit voel kompleet of haar nekhare rys. Toe sy terug kyk staan Annelien by die boonste venster van die eerste vloer en uitstaar, wasbleek. Smittie wou net haar hand lig in ‘n groet toe kom die vreemde man te voorskyn en ruk haar aan die nek weg. Vir ‘n oomblik ontmoet hul oë en die man se skerp kykers boor in hare in en net so skielik verdwyn hy agter die toegetrekte gordyn in.
Die dag gaan vinnig verby en toe Smittie weer by die huis stop was dit alreeds half sewe. Die dag was bedrywig maar oppad terug van haar laaste afspraak kom die gebeure van die huis in Glen Estate weer na vore. Wie was die man? Dit was baie duidelik dat Annelien bang was vir die man. Hoekom?
Die foon lui en flink antwoord sy sonder om na die skerm te kyk.
“Mev Smit,” kom die barse stem oor die foon en haar hare rys onmiddelik. Rillings slaan oor haar arms uit en sy probeer om so beleefd as moontlik te antwoord, wetende wie aan die anderkant van die foon is. “Dit is Smittie wat praat,” Sy is al so gewoond om haar bynaam te gee dat dit ‘n outomatiese reaksie is maar skielik is sy spyt dat sy dit wel gedoen het.
“Ek verkies Mev. Smit.” Kom die bars stem weer.
“Hoe kan ek help?” en Smittie bly ‘n oomblik stil nie seker wat om die man te noem nie.
“Die van is Benade, Werner Benade. Ek gaan sommer dadelik tot die punt kom Mevrou. Jou nuuskierigheid gaan jou duur te staan kom.” Verstom staar sy na die slimfoon, nie seker of sy reg gehoor het nie.
“Jy hou jou neus uit my sake uit. Jy is nie welkom by die huis nie. Verstaan.” En nog voor sy kon antwoord is die lyn dood.
“Nou wil jy nou meer,” mompel sy, stom geslaan.
“Het jy gepraat, pop?” vra Peet en kyk momenteel op van af die program wat hy kyk.
“Is net ‘n snaakse oproep, een wat ek glad nie verstaan nie.”
“Ek sien.” En net so is sy aandag weer op die TV stel gevestig. Sy kan hom nie blameer nie, haar werk is van so aard dat sy min rerig oor dit kan praat.
Net toe lui haar foon weer, dit is Rietjie.
“Hoe gaan dit?” kom haar stem oor die golwe.
“Goed, gaan gou kos maak. Jy?”
“Ons is op die pad. Luister, ek het ‘n groot guns om te vra. Sal jy die Terrace listing kan oplaai asb? Frik se ma is ernstig siek en ons is oppad Mezina toe. Ek het al die fotos vir jou gee-pos.”
“Jammer om te hoor, julle moet veilig ry. Ja natuurlik, maak so. Ek laai dit op as span Loerie op.”
“Is reg. Ek sal terug wees teen Donderdag en het klaar met Madie gesels.”
“Goed, ek sal die vort hou. Groete vir Frik. Hoop sy word gou gesond.” En die lyn gaan dood. Op pad kombuis toe bly die dag se gebeure af speel in haar kop.
“Wie het gebel?” vra Peet, reeds besig om groente te rasper vir die pot sop.
Rietjie vertel hom van Rietjie se skoonma terwyl hul die aandete voorberei. Net na nege is hul klaar en die kombuis aan die kant toe sy voor haar skootrekenaar inskuif. 
Die program op haar skerm staar blinkoog terug na haar. Afwagtend vir die inligting wat sy besig is om in te voer. Sy het 4 eiendomme om te lys voor môre. Haar dag is vol more en sy sal nie tyd kry nie. Môre aand gaan hulle by die kinders kuier, iets waarna sy baie uitsien. Maar na die telefoon gesprek is sy meer geïnteresseerd in die eerste eiendom wat hulle gaan besoek het.
Smittie bring ‘n nuwe blad op die skerm en tik Benade se van in die soek blokkie. Maar daar kom niks van belang op nie. Dan gaan sy op die groep en vind die gelyste huis. Die inligting wat sy soek staar haar in die gesig. Die eienaar is Johannes Christoffel Mouton. Nie Benade nie. So wie is Benade dan? Volgens die inligting is Annelien se van Harmse. Hoe pas die twee by mekaar? Wat gaan aan by die huis?Weer soek sy die soekenjin op en tik die keer die adres in. Die heel eerste berig het ‘n foto by. ‘n Ambulans is voor die huis geparkeer. Polisie band is op die voorgrond, voor die huis gespan, en ‘n paar nuuskieriges staan daaragter. Duidelik geskok, staar hulle na die gebeure. Die berig is twee maande gelede geskryf. Haastig lees sy die inhoud daarvan. Dit lyk soos ‘n inbraak wat verkeerd gegaan het. Geld en wapens was hoofsaaklik gesteel, asook ‘n waardevolle halsnoer. Die waarde daarvan der duisende werd. Mev Mouton was haastig na die hospitaal geneem met steekwonde en was in ‘n bedenklike toestand. Die eienaar, Chris Mouton, is noodlottig gewond. Met die plasing van die berig was geen inligting beskikbaar nie. Dan vergroot sy die foto en gaan dit sorgvuldig deur en verstar. Daar, aan die linkerkant van die foto is Benade, geklee in uniform, hy is een van die polisiemanne wat langs die ambulans staan. Sy sal hom enige plek herken. Weer lees sy die artikel. Maak ‘n nota van die belangrikste feite en soek nog verder. ‘n Tweede berig, geplaas ‘n paar dae later, verklaar dat Mev Mouton onverklaarbaar verdwyn het uit die hospitaal, drie dae later. Geen inligting is beskikbaar nie. Net onder die berig, in ‘n ander kolom is daar ‘n klein beriggie met Mnr Mouton se begrafnisreëlings wat presies ‘n week na sy dood was, sommer hier naby, uit die NG Kerk.
Sy kliek nog voort opsoek na enige inligting en dan op die soekenjin se tweede bladsy is daar ‘n opskrif wat haar oog vang. Toe sy dit oopmaak rek haar oë van verbasing. ‘n Foto van Benade in ‘n somber kyk staar terug na haar. Met angs lees Smittie die berig verder. Hy is onder verdenking van die moord op Mouton en is op vrye voet. Daar is ‘n lasbrief uit vir sy inhegtenisname. ‘n Kontak nommer word gegee, indien die publiek enige inligting kan verskaf. Die laaste sin laat haar hart sommer krimp. Hy is baie gevaarlik en moet nie genader word nie. Op vrye voet.

En tog is hy weer by die moordtoneel, helder oordag. Met baie getuienisse. Is hy dan so arrogant om te dink dat niemand hom sal herken nie? As polisieman sal hy tog weet om weg te bly. En hoekom waarsku hy haar om weg te bly? Het sy dalk iets gesien sonder dat sy besef het wat dit is? Maar die ergste van alles is, hy ken haar nommer. Sal hy dan ook weet waar sy bly?

Daardie nag lê sy en rondrol in haar bed. Peet salig onbewus van haar kwellinge. Niks maak sin by die huis in Terrace straat nie maar dat daar groot fout is, is gewis. Maar die belangrikste vraag van almal was: Waar is Marieta Mouton? Die foto waarop sy afgekom het van die verdwyne vrou het ‘n sprankelende persoon gewys. Afgeneem tydens ‘n ontspanne oomblik. Haar glimlag gemaklik en haar potblou oe sprankelende. Sy en haar man het geen kinders gehad nie. Hulle was alreeds tien jaar getroud. Albei het ‘n besigheid gehad waarmee dit goed gegaan het. Sy was ‘n oogarts en haar man ‘n chiropraktisyn. En nou is sy weg. Haar beeld ‘n konstante vraag in haar gemoed.

Uit frustrasie staan sy later op, maak koffie en gaan sit weer voor haar rekenaar. In die briefhouer wat sy spesifiek vir die huis geskep het, gaan sy deur die fotos. Omdat dit te groot is begin sy om van dit kleiner te maak. Stelselmatig werk sy deur dit en stop dan by een foto. ‘n Foto van die badkamer. Oor die badrand hang ‘n vuil lap. Hoekom het Riekie dit nie verwyder nie, wonder sy? Die lap maak die foto eintlik onbruikbaar. Maar dan zoom sy in op die lap. Sy kan sweer dit is bloed. Die donkerrooi vlekke lyk heeltemal te verdag. Smittie sit die foto in ‘n ander leer en merk dit ‘Verdag’. Dan gaan sy verder en volg die klompie fotos. Riekie se fotos is soos altyd, puik. Dan stop sy weer.

Die keer by die hoofslaapkamerfoto. Die afgeleefde duvet is gevlek. Haar nuuskierigheid nou goed geprikkel, fokus sy weer in. Die vlek, is te klein maar sy sal haar kop op ‘n blok sit dat dit bloed is. “Wat gaan aan Annelien?” vra sy saggies. “Waarin het jy gestap met hierdie huis?” Ingedagte maak sy klaar en sit haar rekenaar af. Dan staan sy op en gaan maak koffie.

Versigtig stap sy af met die gang en stap hul slaapkamer binne. Peet het duidelik net wakker geword. “Als reg pop?” vra hy slaperig, en sy sit sy beker langs hom op die bedkassie neer.
“Ja, net moeg,” antwoord sy en verdwyn in die badkamer in.

“Sover is dit ‘n dol oggend, die foon hou nie op met lui nie. ‘n Koper wil een van my listings sien, en die huis in Terrace weg het ook baie aandag gekry. My eerste afspraak daar is net na 12:00, sodra ons klaar is met die ope uur. Gee jy om?”
“Nee glad nie. Maak klaar ek sit solank die ketel aan,” verskoon Smittie haar kollega wat nog met nat hare rond trippel. Haar Labrador lê rustig, kop op sy gekruisde bene en bekyk hul met groot oë aan, net binnekant die eetkamer.  Die houtvloer glimmend in die oggendson. “Dankie. Ek sal gou maak. Ons het eers gisteraand laat terug gekom.” En sy verdwyn die gang af. 

Die haardroër word aangeskakel en Smittie maak haarself tuis in die moderne kombuis. Haar gedagtes by die huis in Terrace en die onbeantwoorde vrae. Teen die gelyste prys behoort hulle heelwat belangstellendes te kry. Dit is ‘n gesogte area in Edenvale. Hopelik sal een van hulle genoeg belangstel om ‘n offer in te sit. Hulle kan albei doen met ‘n verkope. Geld is maar skraps deesdae.

Teen die tyd wat hulle in die pad val het hulle twee koppies koffie weggeslaan en is reg vir die dag. Dit is Rietjie se beurt om te ry en, amper roekeloos, besoek hulle elke huis in vinnige tussenposes. Tyd is  altyd ‘n faktor. “Hoe gaan dit met die tannie?” vra Smittie so tussen die ryery deur. 
“My skoonma het ‘n ligte beroerte gehad, sy is verlam aan die eenkant van haar gesig. Die trek sommer lelik skeef.” 
"Jammer om te hoor.”
“Die dokter is darem optimistiese.”
“Dit is goed, hoop sy sterk gou aan.”

Om 7 huise in een uur te besoek wil gedoen wees en presies 2-minute voor twaalf stop hulle voor die huis in Terrace weg. Twee karre staan geparkeer in die straat. Die kliënte besig om uit te klim uit die BMW. Die ander kar, ‘n Range Rover het geen insittendes nie. Waar sal die mense wees? Wonder Smittie terwyl sy Rietjie volg. 

Die man en vrou, ‘n Indiër egpaar, groet beleefd en saam stap hulle na die huis. Die tuin se droë toestand ‘n skrille kontras teen die wit mure. Selfs so diep in die winter is tuine geneig om groenigheid en lewe te wys, maar die een was heeltemal gestroop daarvan. 

Rietjie klop en die deur swaai vanself oop. Smittie kon nie help om rond te kyk nie. Die eerie gevoel van die vorige besoek is weer daar, nou net meer intens. En wie het die deur oopgemaak? 

“Rietjie, wag ek sal eerste instap,” sê Smittie. Om een of ander rede wil sy Rietjie beskerm van wat ookal agter die deur is. 
“Ek is mos klaar hier.” antwoord Rietjie, amper verergd. Sy swaai die swaar deur nog verder oop en gee twee tree in die huis in. Dan verbreek die stilte soos wat sy gil; ‘n bloedstollende gil wat deur die winterlug klief. 

Smittie druk die kliënte vinnig weg sodat sy eerste kan instap. Die oomblik wat sy langs Rietjie staan merk sy twee dinge onmiddelik op. Baie bloed en ‘n persoon, uitgestrek op die koue teëls. Die reuk van dood nou ‘n onmisbare klank wat hul laat snak na asem. 

Versigtig stap Smittie nader en sak af na die lewelose liggaam. Nikssiende oë staar van uit ‘n wasbleek gesig na haar. Annelien.

Kopiereg voorbehou

Saterdag 20 Julie 2019

Huismoles: Smittie en die verdagte polisieman - Deel 1 - Lynelle Clark

Deel 1

“Wat maak jy?” Rietjie se stem klink amper eentonig oor die foon, ver af en Smittie skuif weer aan die foontjie aan haar hoor.
“Ek is besig met my logbook, maar my woorde is op. Ek het geen idee wat om by hierdie afdeling te skryf nie,” verklap Smittie ongeduldig. Al hoe meer kry sy druk van haar kantoor bestuurder om die logbook klaar te kry. Haar tyd loop uit, sy weet maar, ai dit is tydrowend. Hoekom moet hulle so baie goed so noukeurig weet? Dit is om van te huil.
“Gaan ons more ope-uur toe?” vra Rietjie
“Ja, dit sal hierdie eentonigheid breek,” stem Smittie in. Die laaste twee dae se stilte wou haar al teen die mure uitdryf. Die foon was abnormaal stil en afsprake was yl gesaai.
“Dan sien ek jou môre.” Die gesprek word afgesluit met wedersydse grappies wat net hulle sal verstaan. Lang ure in mekaar se geselskap is besig om te ontaard in ‘n eie unieke werksverhouding.
“Lekker slaap, ou maat.” Sluit Smittie af en plaas die slimfoon op die tafel. Die skootrekenaar se skerm blink grootoog na haar, die woorde op die skerm het sy nou al soveel keer gelees dat sy eintlik al moeg is daarvoor. ‘Presentation skills….’ Vies sit sy die rekenaar af en gaan klim in die bed.  Peet lê al hoeka en snork, salig onbewus van haar stryd om die verdekselse werk klaar te kry. Vandag was net ‘n moeilike dag. Na die soveelste klient wat nie opgedaag het vir hul afspraak nie het sy tam huistoe gery. Die aand het verby gesloer met die normale aktiwiteite van kos maak, kombuis skoon maak, gesels met Peet en toe inskuif voor die rekenaar om iets produktiefs af te handel maar sonder sukses. Sy sug, draai op haar sy en luister na Peet se snorkery, nou harder as voorheen en sy sug weer.
“Hoe ver het jy gekom met die logbook?” vra Rietjie die oomblik toe hulle oppad is na hul eerste ope-ure huis in Edenvale. 
“Jong, dis moeilik om te sê, maar stadig soos ‘n slak sal seker die beste beskrywing wees van hierdie situasie.” Smittie lê op die toeter toe ‘n taxi skielik voor haar inswaai en haar afsny. Met skreeuende bande kom sy al stertswaaiende tot stilstand. Die bakkie se gewig stoot hulle al hoe nader aan die voertuig en Rietjie gee ‘n klein gilletjie.  “Die swerkater!” Gil Smittie uit en skop die remme amper deur die vloer.  Die bakkie kom met ‘n geskreeu tot stilstand, net voor sy op die agtersitplek van die taxi beland. Groot bruin oë staar na haar deur die agterruit vanuit die taxi, en woorde word duidelik met mekaar gedeel terwyl een ‘n swart vinger na haar toe wys. Sy skud haar kop, woedend vir die onbedagsame bestuurder.
“Ek wonder hoe sal dit voel om net eendag sonder taxi’s op die pad te wees? Dink net hoe lekker sal ons kan ry sonder die alewige bakleiery,” haak sy af, verergd en druk ‘n middelvinger in die lug toe sy verby die taxi swaai. Dié ry ewe onskuldig weg, min gepla oor haar tirade.
“Ons siele sal defnitief reguit hemel toe gaan.” beaam Rietjie. “Die goed is moedswillig en wil hê ons moet in hulle vas ry. Hoop seker vir geld.”
“Ek het nie ‘n saak met wat hulle dink nie, by my kry hulle nie ‘n sent nie. Hulle is ‘n nuisance op die pad, ek sê jou.”
“Ek stem.”
Na etlike draaie stop hulle eintlik voor die kompleks waar agente alreeds uit hul karre peul. Vinnig is hulle deel van die groepie wat deur die sekuriteitshekke loop en die ope ure bordjies volg na ‘n huis in die hoek van die kompleks.
Die kompleks is geleë in ‘n posh area in Edenvale, die huis is gelys vir R1 910 000, wat nie te vergesog is vir die area nie.
“Is mos jou beurt vir fotos?” Sê Smittie ingedagte en Rietjie knik haar kop. Haar slimfoon alreeds uit om die eerste foto van die huis te neem.
“Ek gaan rond kyk.”
“Onthou die vorm!” Roep Rietjie agterna en Smittie knik instemmend. Die huis is ruim van binne, met ‘n groot leefarea. Die groot wit marmer teëls glim in die oggend-winterson en weerkaats deur die kombuis wat uitvloei na agter toe. Dit loop dan uit op ‘n Patio, verskuil agter glas-skuifdeure. Die langwerpige vertrek met pragtige wit afgewerkte kaste, beslaan die hele gedeelte van die een muur, die swart teëls ‘n mooi teenstelling. Swart marmer tops glimmer in die oggendson, maar is andersins leeg. Die leefarea se meubels is karig. Eintlik weersprekend van die area en plek. Smittie frons. Mense in die tipe van plekke doen baie moeite met hul binneversiering. Dit is al ‘n gewoonte om met die oog te steel en later iets soortgelyks in haar huis aan te bring of soos ‘n ervare binneversierder raad te gee aan haar kinders of vriendinne. Dit is die een ding wat sy die meeste geniet van huis verkope.
Maar die plek skree desperaatheid en armoede. Dit strook nie. Nuuskierig stap sy van vertrek tot vertrek. Afgeleefde meubels kan in elke vertrek gevind word. Die matte in die kamers is uiters vuil. Oral spreek dieselfde gebrek direk met haar en sy kan nie help om te wonder wat die storie is met hierdie huis nie. Deel van hul werk is om mense te help, mense wat in rowwe tye val, en sy het al baie hartseer goed gesien maar hier is iets duister in die lug. Daar is ook ‘n onaangename reuk in die lug. Dit wil bekend ruik maar bly haar ontbreek. Selfs die ander agente loop stil deur die huis, neem vinnig fotos en verdwyn. Die normale kwinkslae en geselsies afwesig.
Die agent wat die plek gelys het staan eenkant, by die eetkamertafel. Pamflette wat die inligting van die huis bevat, en haar besigheidskaartjies in netjiese hopies. Net soos die huis, straal sy ook desperaatheid uit. Senuweeagtig duidelik soos wat sy rond trippel en agter toe kyk, en Smittie stap nader. Nie seker hoe om die situasie te hanteer nie maar nuuskierigheid dwing haar vorentoe. Rietjie kyk haar ook stil aan en verdwyn die gang af na die kamers se kant toe, met ‘n waai van die hand.
“More vrou, hoe gaan dit?” vra sy Annelien. Hulle ken mekaar meer van sien tydens ope-ure en was nog altyd vriendelik teenoor mekaar.
“Goed.” Annelien se normale joviale temperament gedemp en sy ontwyk haar oë.
“Dit is ‘n pragtige huis.” Probeer sy weer.
“Dankie.” Kort en saaklik. ‘n Agent is altyd in ‘n verkope stemming, reg met die nodige inligting. Vir haar om net een-woord antwoorde te gee is onrusbarend en Smittie kan nie help as om nader te staan nie.
“Wat is die storie met die huis?” vra sy stil, die spasie tussen hulle twee het aansienlik gekrimp want Smittie wil weet wat aangaan. Buig of bars. Senuweeagtig kyk Annelien rond en lek dan haar lippe asof haar mond droog is.
“Kan ons later gesels?” vra sy en, sonder om te wag vir ‘n antwoord, stap sy weg. Toe Smittie omkyk gewaar sy ‘n man in die voordeur opening. Die leerbaadjie omraam breë skouers, die wolhemp het duidelik beter dae geken. Maar wat haar die meeste opval is sy gesig; die spreek boekdele. Hy lyk kwaad, ‘n broeiende kyk wat jou tweemaal laat dink om hom te nader. En hy kyk haar aan asof hy haar wil deurboor met sy kykers.
Net toe stap Rietjie nader: “Het jy die vorm gekry?” maar Smittie se aandag is by die onbekende man. Net so vinnig as wat hy verskyn het, verdwyn hy, en Smittie kon sweer dat selfs die huis gesug het. Maar dit kan net haar verbeelding wees. En dan, so uit die niet kom dit tot haar. Die huis ruik na dood.
‘n Siek reuk warrel deur die huis en sy ril onwillekeurig. Hier is iets groots fout.
Kopiereg voorbehou

Maandag 15 Julie 2019

July Newsletter - What aspiring authors should know about books, critique and reviews.

Julie maand het baie vinnig in ‘n besige maand verander met heelwat uitdagings. Die rede dat ek nou eers kans kry om te skryf. Iets wat vir my nogal baie uitstaan op al die groepe die afgelope tyd is kritiek. Daarom my bietjie meer formele Nuusbrief vandag.

Om die breër skrywersmark te bereik het ek goed gedink om dit in Engels te skryf.'

How to handle critique as a writer.
Critique remains an extremely controversial subject to talk about. The mere suggestion of an analysis of your work causes much debate, and every person’s interpretation differs.
This letter is not a lashing but rather help any aspiring author coping with the effects.
Critique is valuable in essence. It either influences us to become better or derail us. Many people cannot detach themselves from it and personalize it. Then, as a protection mechanism, they will attack first. The reason for my writing is to address the issue so that you can be aware of the advantages of a good critique and how to view it. Putting you back on the track.
With my first book, I was unaware of many of the hurdles. Hurdles that had almost thrown me completely. I was naïve and unfamiliar about the proper book cover, beta readers, proof-readers or editors and everything in between. Back then there were very few groups on Facebook and in South Africa, there was none that I could find. In stupidity, I published my first book, as a free read and was shot down immediately. I had two one-star reviews within a few hours and deleted the book immediately from the website. I was in total shock, not prepared for the critique I had received. I was devastated, for sure. Heartbroken and brought down a peg. That feeling lasted about two days. I realized that there is much more involved than just writing a book.  At that stage, I was in no financial position to pay someone and had to rely on the Internet and the resources I could find.
It took me another year of asking questions and learning to publish the book again. This time I was more aware of all the steps involved. Investing hours of learning the craft to really be successful. I learned about book marketing and familiarized myself with all the book websites available. Joined many writing sites, all in an attempt to learn.
It is hard work. As an author, time with the family is limited. Now time is spent in front of the laptop; writing. Sacrificing and learning every day but the harvest will be reaped for the diligence shown. There are times that mistakes still pop up, even after nine years being a full-time author. But I pride myself in the fact that I have learned. It was an incredibly difficult road but one that has developed me the most.  It has opened doors to me that I would not have had previously.
1.       The first trait you need to develop is a thick skin to become a published author. Writers are very prickly when it comes to their work but to be on the defensive will not help. Approaching a person for advice you need to know; it might not be the answer you were looking for. Be prepared for that. Not all of us are good at putting our thoughts into the correct wording and then the critique comes out belittling or demeaning to the person which was not attended.
Make sure you understand the feedback before you react.
2.       Be objective about the critique and take it for what it is worth. I have learned over the years that critique comes in many forms. Some leave you stunned to the core; others shape your craft. Profit from the latter.
3.       If unsure, ask questions until you comprehend the reasoning. School yourself with enough information beforehand.
4.       Don’t inquire from a person that knows nothing about books or publishing. Rather speak to an experienced author; self-published or a traditional author. Or people involved in the writing community. Remember, we all have started where you are right now. We know the feeling of rejection.
5.       Distance yourself from your work. Yes, I know it is not easy to do. Writing is very much part of you. It is your thoughts, your experiences and dreams put into words for the world to read. When someone attacks it you feel it deep down, almost like a stabbing directly into your heart. Although the person giving it did not attend it in that manner. Especially when you are still an aspiring writer you need to be level-headed.
6.       Ask yourself: how can I use this critique to better my craft? Grammar is one of the biggest stumble blocks in writing. Invest in a good grammar book and learn.
7.       Write As Often As You Can and Read.
What to know before publishing?
1.       You require a draft. This will often lead to many drafts, accumulated over several years even. But it doesn’t help that the book is in your head, it should be on paper. Therefore, write that draft.
Tools to invest in:
a) Dictionaries
b) Grammar or Scribens. Just a note about the two: Grammar is for the American language, and Scribens has an option between British and American. Make sure, when writing in English that you use the correct one. They will help in many cases, but they are not one hundred per cent accurate.
c) Rules of grammar. Have it in print next to you. If you can fix the basic stuff before it goes to a beta reader or proof-reader it, then you are halfway there.
d) Read up about your genre, how to write a perfect plot about it etc.
e) How to write a fight scene or how to write a perfect love scene… there are many forums with the correct information. Don’t be lazy and do research.
Before you send your draft to a person remember these few rules:
1.       Be committed to your writing. When they send an email response as soon as possible. So make time in your own schedule.
2.       Make sure you understand their payment plan before you commit. They normally ask 50% payment upfront. There are reasons for this. On the last day of scheduled completion make sure you pay them any outstanding monies; unless prearranged. Otherwise, you will not receive your book back.
3.       Don’t disappear. These people have a life, respect their time.
4.       Don’t assume they can help you immediately, set a date and time.
5.       Keep to scheduling.
6.       If life happens inform them so that they can commit to other projects. Every day they wait they lose an income.
7.       Work with them, don’t take offence when you receive a page back marked in red. If they say rewrite, you rewrite that page.
8.       Show your professionalism.
9.       No need for tantrums. Or hate posts on Facebook! To belittle the person willing to help you will get you nowhere and any other professional will avoid you after that.
2.       Consider a beta reader or critique reader. Someone who is willing to help you to build the story. Listen to their advice. They don’t want to ruin your story; they want to help you. Trust them. Get as many as you can. Remember, it is their time they are offering. Time equals money or any other sort of barter. Be wise, be clever. But don’t be stingy.
“Beta readers read your book prior to it going to the printer. You could also use them before submission to an agent or publisher. They read the manuscript for comment on the structure, characters, plot as well as grammar/spelling or anything else they notice that may need revision. Their comments will generally result in another rewrite although of course, you don’t need to action everything. Beta readers should be people who like the genre you write in, and also need to be able to give honest feedback. There is no point in just hearing praise at this stage. Criticism only makes our work better!” Joanna Penn

3.       Conduct research on the story, the more facts you can add the more believable it will be.
4.       Get an experienced proofreader. Make sure to use references when looking for one. Again, their time is valuable.
If you want them to work for free, consider the following:
a) How serious are you about writing?
b) How much time will they really put in?
c) What kind of work will you get back?  
5.       Get an experienced editor. Again, value their time. They are expensive for a reason.
6.       Book cover designer. The cover sells the book. It is the first contact the reader has with your book. These collage apps are good for making collages but not for book covers. Pay them something.
7.       Synopsis - it is about 250 words long that informs the reader what to expect. Let a proofreader assist you with it. Draw the reader in with the synopsis. That is your one and only chance to woe them.
How do you write a good back blurb?
This is a list of what featured most often from a number of bestselling thrillers reviewed as research from my bookshelf. The principles hold true for any genre although the details change for each.
·         A hint of the plot. “Secret experiment. Tiny island. Big mistake.” (Scott Sigler, Ancestor); “must fight their way past traps, labyrinths and a host of deadly enemies” (Matthew Reilly. Six Sacred Stones);
·         Use of words that evoke images and resonate with readers of the genre. Examples, “ancient monastery” (Raymond Khoury, The Sign), “hidden esoteric wisdom, Masonic secrets” (Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol), “the secret behind Noah’s Ark” (Boyd Morrison, The Ark), “Druidic pagan cross” (James Rollins, The Doomsday Key); “A buried Egyptian temple. A secret kept for 6000 years. A race for life worth killing for.” (Andy McDermott, The Pyramid of Doom)
·         Main characters are named and characterized. “TV news reporter Gracie Logan. Matt Sherwood, reformed car thief” (The Sign); “Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon: (Lost Symbol); “Trapped inside a paralyzed body, Rhymes brilliant mind is channelled through his partner, policewoman Amelia Sachs” (Jeffrey Deaver, The Twelfth Card); “Commander Gray Pierce and Sigma Force” (James Rollins, Doomsday Key)
·         Idea of setting. Washington DC, Rotunda (Dan Brown, Lost Symbol); “from the Roman Coliseum to the icy peaks of Norway, from the ruins of medieval abbeys to the lost tombs of Celtic kings” (James Rollins, Doomsday Key)
·         A question or a hint of mystery that draws the reader in to be solved or answered. “Is the sign real? Is God talking to us? Or is something more sinister going on…” (Raymond Khoury, The Sign)
·         Hyperbole. “stunning controversy that’s spinning out of control” (Raymond Khoury, The Sign); “..never before seen revelations seem to be leading him to a single impossible and inconceivable truth” (Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol); “The mission is incredible. The consequences of failure are unimaginable. The ending is unthinkable.” (Matthew Reilly. Six Sacred Stones) Quotes about the book or previous books by the author. “Part Stephen King, part Chuck Palahniuk…a pulpy masterpiece of action, terror and suspense” (James Rollins on Scott Siglers Infected)
·         How long. Most seem to be 100-150 words long as the blurb text itself, not including about the author if included. That is also a nicely spaced blurb, not a squashed one.
·         About the author. This isn’t done often for the blockbuster novels, but James Rollins does it well with a rugged photo and a description that includes, “An avid spelunker and certified scuba enthusiast, he can often be found underground or underwater.” Now that’s a thriller writer!
Taken from The Creative Penn blog.
8.       You do need an ISBN - it is free.
9.       If you want to have a print copy of your book, ask around. There are a few printers to choose from; get quotes first. Remember their estimations will determine your selling price. Personally, I use Minuteman Press in Boksburg and at times Group 7. They provide expert service and affordable pricing.
10.   Investigate pricing in your genre. Look at the number of words and pages. Don’t be ridiculous with pricing in paperback and/or Kindle. Remember, you compete against thousands of other authors, well-known authors. Don’t put yourself out of the market, be relevant.
11.   Acquaint yourself with the various websites or get someone to help you compile profiles on different websites. Smashwords, Goodreads, Amazon, Twitter, LinkedIn, BookBub and Pinterest; all these sites give you a platform. Use it. For this, you will need a good profile picture and biography of yourself.
12.   Be aware of target markets and all relevant resources. I cannot state it enough, school yourself.
13.   Always have a profile in Word ready. It is part of your marketing and will be used often with every webpage created. Keep it simple, once your book is available, remember to add all the links on it as well. It is time effective.
14.   Converting the Word document to Kindle can be quite daunting, if you have trouble, sign up with a qualified person.
15.   Create a marketing/launch plan. The South African authors have lots to learn about this. Be informed and learn.
16.   Create Promo images or teasers to draw your readers or ask the person that created the book cover.
17.   Marketing. Invite people to help you, get a blogger or ten to do a review of your book. Gift them a copy, either in PDF, EPUB or Mobi format. Bloggers remain a value-added service. Some do charge a small fee to publish it on their blog, but they will get your book out. Their followers are already in line, while you still need a followers base. Don’t underestimate them.  Remember it is a service. Their time is valuable, and data is not free or barter your time. I have done it many times when money was tight.  
Use the rule of thirds. Your social media feed shouldn’t be entirely self-promotional. Instead, use the rule of thirds. For example:
1. One-third: promotion, whether it’s for yourself or fellow authors
2. One-third: insight into yourself as an author
3. One-third: a personal interest (bonus if it’s something your audience would enjoy or benefit from hearing about, e.g. movies, politics, etc.)
Taken from BookBub blog.
18.   Get to know the different tags and use them effectively.
19.   Talk about your book, a blog is most effective.
20.   A review is an effective tool for any published author. You will resort to it often during your marketing campaign. Don’t underestimate its value. One of my clients still uses my review I have given him back in 2015 and tag me in it. It spread the word around and is beneficial for us both.
21.   Call your local newspaper for an interview. They are always looking for stories.
How to be a proficient reader/reviewer.
There is a fine line between a respectable and dreadful reviewer.
·         When reading a book from a first-time author, give them your honesty in a sincere and sound way.
·         Don’t thrash the author within the review. Remember, you will post this on a social website, open for every reader. If you write something demeaning, the spotlight will be on you. Don’t be spiteful. It doesn’t befit you.
·         If you have a problem and you cannot see your way to give an outstanding review, rather send an email to the author and explain your reasons. I had to do it a few times. They normally appreciate the feedback. As long as you haven’t berated them or the book.
·         Be consequent in your reviews. Keep within the timeframe agreed upon. If you cannot make it, let them know. Since they are waiting eagerly for your opinion.
·         Giving reviews open your heart and mind and you connect with that person in a very special way. Plus, you receive books for free - honour it.
·         Be respectful.

This is a question I am asked often since many are lazy to give feedback.
A review consists of a few words - between 50 - 100 words.
1)      Don’t rewrite the story.
2)      What did you think of the writing style of the author?
3)      Could you connect with the characters?
4)      Is the story believable?
5)      A general overview of the story and could you relate. No spoilers!
This feedback is highly valued and appreciated by the author. They produced a story for a few hours of enjoyment, so be kind and give them a review. It cost you nothing but kindness and with the next release, you will receive a copy first. You will have insight immediately before any other reader.  

Wie se beeld is in jou kop; Goliat of Dawid?

  1 SAM 17: 12Dawid was die seun van Isai, ’n Efratiet uit Betlehem in Juda. Isai het agt seuns gehad. Hy was toe alreeds oud. 13Die oudste ...