Sondag 06 Oktober 2019

Oktober nuus / October Newsletter

Oktober het stilweg ingesluip en los alreeds sy spore in 'n mens se gemoed. Dit is 'n tyd van nuwe lewe, vir ons wat nou die lente seisoen inbeweeg. Dit is 'n tyd van op en wakker wees maar ook 'n tyd van besin, opkyk en die wortels versterk om staande te bly. 
Stay rooted and grounded - is die woorde wat bly maal in my kop - na 'n slapelose nag. So, wie ook al dit saam met my voel, die boodskap is ook vir jou. Ons het 'n vaste vertroue waarin ons moet bly, deurgans.  
September het 'n paar verrassings opgelewer, onder andere 'n onverwagte vakansie in die mooie Mpumalanga. So tussen my werk deur (wat ek kon saam vat) kon ons die omgewing geniet en bietjie rus. Die drama met die Internet was net frustrerend. Gelukkig was daar 'n WiFi plekkie so 7 km van daaraf. Maar ai. 

Die besoek aan Sudwala grotte was uniek en die gids het ons vergas met allerlei stories. Kaapse Hoop was nog 'n verrassing. Weggesteek tussen denneplantasies net 35 km van Nelspruit af, het die pragtige dorpie sommer in my hart gekruip, stofstrate en al. Die besoek aan Paul Kruger se huis het ons net weer 'n nuwe insig gegee in die merkwaardige man se pad en sy aandeel tot die opbou van ons land. Verder kon ons stap en swem, so bietjie verneuk met die dieet en gesmul aan Spoorweg koffie met die komplimente van Halls Mall in Nelspruit. Voeg 'n onverwagse dougnut by dan kan julle verstaan ek was behoorlik soet agterna. Die stap 'n absolute moet agterna.  
Maar soos met alle goeie dinge was die week te vinnig verby en is ons weer terug by die huis, lui maar vernuwe. 

Nuwe boek vrystelling

Die goeie nuus is dat Spore van Genade nou klaar is en reg is vir aflewering. 
Volg gerus die skakel om meer van die projek te leer. 
Julle kan die boek deur my aankoop teen R245 posgeld uitgesluit.
Maar bo als, ondersteun die projek wat geloods is deur Alta van Zyl. 


Abuse Awareness Fundraiser in Nigel 16 November 2019 

Kersmark in Leslie 9 November 2019

Some news about my book: 

To my shame, I must admit that this book is not done.  To give any excuse would be tardy from me but life happens... right. That doesn't mean I didn't think about the characters and that the characters didn't talk to me. And did they talk? :) My notebook is full off ideas, now they need to be ordered neatly to get the story straight. 

Once this post is done it will be the last time I will be seen on the Internet. This week is dedicated to the book. This time I, the author will not take any prisoners... everything else has to wait. Klaar. ;)

On the topic of the book, I was approached by a publisher from the US and before you give your congratulations, stop first. IT WAS A SCAM. These people are relentless, really and it is beyond frustrating. They waste your time, resources and data just to get a quick buck. 
Don't worry, my money - the little that there is, is safely in the bank.  Big sigh. 

So, my message today to all authors: Be vigilant, be alert. Don't be fooled and listen very closely to what they say. Because their lies are in their words and it will reveal itself. If you have a good dose of common sense and knowledge about the industry then you will learn quickly what to avoid. 

On the topic of money, many know that writing is my only source of income. The reason I began with Letterpas Freelance services and as my clients call me their book agent - it has a nice ring to it, right. ;)

But on my blog, I've added a Paypal and Visa link. In order for me to continue, I need the support. Without it I am dead in the water, so to speak. So if you support me by donating or buying one of my books you will help me to create an income for me. It is that simple. 
I don't like to beg, I rather work and believe me, writing is work. Which I do, a lot!
This is not something I do often, talk about money. But times necessitate that I do. So please forgive me for this. In fact, it will be unwise to keep on working/writing for free and I am hopefully not unwise. 

Well, that is my news - nie veel om te se verder nie - die karakters roep en ek wens julle 'n mooi Oktober toe. Vol prag.... Los jou voetspore in ink. Mooi loop.

Ek het besluit om uit my eie comfort zone hokkie te klim en te vra vir hulp.
Daar is ook goeie pryse/rewards om te wen.
It is time to to the extraordinary. Please share it with your circle of friends.

Contact for a quote 

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Wie se beeld is in jou kop; Goliat of Dawid?

  1 SAM 17: 12Dawid was die seun van Isai, ’n Efratiet uit Betlehem in Juda. Isai het agt seuns gehad. Hy was toe alreeds oud. 13Die oudste ...